It started in August 2009 when they lowered my care component because, as I didn't know at the time, the renewal form didn't have enough info on it. Instead of telling them again and again what I go through, I said nothing has changed in my condition...mistake number 1.
2.My other mistake was not complaining enough to my doctors
3. My other mistake was not realising that the tribunal would be so hard on me physically, mentally and emotionally/
4. My other mistake was having a "good" day,at the tribunal meaning pain was lessened but brain was foggened!
5. My other mistake was not getting a representative in for it. (I wanted Oli to be it, since he knew me and was a clever clogs)
6. My other mistake was assuming that the tribunal would be nice people with a sense of humour.
7. My other mistake was being myself, and not putting on my posh voice (My Scouse accent gave the game away that I was lying thieving scum. Scum, scum, scum.)
Luckily Manchester Advice are there helping us out, we have a case, there were a few errors in law, so we are hoping to see "the guy" to help us out.
So here I am with no home care, no healthy dinner, no regular exercise, no weight loss, muchos stress with a gall bladder removal coming up this month.
As disabled people and their carers are suffering more and more heartache as money is cut, as it gets harder to live independently.
I am still haunted by the story of a lady in America, who killed herself as she could not afford health care to treat her FMS.
Will that be us in the future? Taking money out means taking people out of work, out of society, which damages reach to everyone of us, disabled or not. Taking away the money means taking away the rights of disabled people & their carers.
I am here for the fight with what few spoons I have to offer.
Gary the gallbladder is out & I am doing well now it is gone, almost time for me to get back to exercising! Got some awesome news today from Micheal at Manchester Advice, my appeal is being looked at in the upper tribunal & it seems like I may just get my DLA back, enough to pay for home care to help me out *chair dance as left knee is Out Of Order!*
Bad news if this happens though (claiments face to lose benefits), I know from personal experience of HAVING too live off benefits that sometimes Incapacity Benefit, or the similar part in the ESA, that it's all someone may have, after spending time contributing their national insurance this may be taken away....I am going to ask for mine back, so I can spend it on something to cheer me up, like a hit man, or something!